Let's be Proactive!
I recently saw a google blurb on the actress Jameela Jamil, and how she wants to become an EMDR Therapist. Interested in what she or the writer of the blurb had to say about EMDR Therapy, I read on. The blurb said " EMDR [an abbreviation for eye movement desensitization and reprocessing] is a type of psychotherapy encircling eye movements and hand tapping. "
Wow! That doesn't say much. Do you feel like I do - that the media's accounts of EMDR Therapy have a lot to be desired? It's our job, as EMDR Therapists, to promote this most valuable form of therapy and provide accurate and helpful explanations not just to our clients but to the public at large. As a suggestion, check out our blog on "Elevator Speeches" to help you come up with your own way of describing and promoting our collective work!