Tip#4 More About the Negative Cognition (NC)
Let’s talk some more about Negative Cognitions. We have found that the core negative cognitions fall into three main categories. These categories encompass the questions:
1. Am I safe? 2. Is there something wrong with me? or 3. Do I matter?
So, the NC’s would translate into 1. “I am not safe” 2. “I am defective/there is something wrong with me: and 3. “I don’t matter”, or even, “my existence doesn’t matter”.
We cannot stress enough the importance of developing accurate Negative Cognitions. As an EMDR Therapist, you are looking fro NC’s at different points of developing your client’s case….initially during history taking. Look for these basic NC’s as you are conceptualizing your client’s core, limiting beliefs.
Our EMDRIA Advanced class, EMDR By Design, goes into great detail on how to develop solid NC’s – and why it is so important. Check back to our website soon, for details on our next class – or contact us if you would like to be on our email list for notification.