Does working with clients who have ADD sometimes make you want to SCREAM?

Does working with your ADD clients sometimes make you want to scream? Over the years I have watched these people, who are believing that they are doing their best, sabotaging their marriages, their schoolwork, the relationships with children,spouses,colleagues...and get too many traffic tickets !

So here's where I wanted to scream: at the end of a particularly long day, my frustration reached a peak because my ADD clients completely forgot to implement the strategies they had committed to in the week prior, and in fact most did not even remember what we had talked about! I sat with a beer and I wondered if somehow I can reverse the EMDR process (so instead of pulling UP a memory, CREATING a memory to be pulled up!). My goal was for folks with ADD to be able to  sit down and attend, so that after their session they could slow down and remember the strategies and steps we talked about in their session.  By doing so, I hoped they could follow through, complete their tasks, feeling more comfortable and competent in their ability to do so! 

So, I developed a new EMDR protocol which I have used successfully with my ADD clients. I would love to teach you these protocols. Please follow this link to sign up for my online class: "A New Take, Using EMDR With Your Clients with ADD", offered this coming September 18th and 19th.



Why I became an EMDR Therapist by Liz


Tip#4 More About the Negative Cognition (NC)