EMDR Processing in a virtual world - YOU CAN DO IT!
You may often have extremely valid reasons for not conducting the EMDR processing phases online. These reasons may include the instability of both your internet connection AND your client! We must always use sound clinical judgment on when to start EMDR processing with our clients, whether online or in person.
But if you are holding off on processing JUST BECAUSE you are working on a virtual platform, I would encourage you to ask yourself the following questions:
Have I done all the preparation that this client needs?
Is the client ready to begin processing?
Is the only thing holding me back from conducting active processing the fact that we are on a virtual platform?
If you answer YES to all three of those questions, here's what I would tell you: You CAN do EMDR processing on a virtual platform! We don;t know how long we will continue to be in a virtual therapy environment. If your client is ready AND would benefit from the processing sooner than later, it can be done - safely and effectively.
In our next blog, we will discuss, more specifically, how to safely and effectively conduct EMDR processing on a virtual platform.